Leadership a question in the NFL

The most popular CEO that has the hottest seat the past two weeks is Roger Godell. From the complete chaos of knowing or not knowing how bad the situation was with Ray Rice to the current child abuse case of Adrian Peterson. One thing is for certain, we can all learn from what is happening in the NFL. Everyone is blaming Roger Godell of mishandling the case of Ray Rice, and letting him go easy the first time around until TMZ released the video of Ray Rice knocking out his wife. We can all play the blame game and attack Roger Godell on failed leadership that he acted on when Ray Rice made that huge mistake, but we can all share how we can all try to prevent this from happening again.

How we can change the way the NFL looks at these kinds of negligent cases that can have a huge impact on the game of football. Most advertisers have terminated their contracts with Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson, there is always money involved and it’s not pretty. The amount of revenue, contract money, and other sources of income these players will be losing will be enormous, and that’s where the business practice comes in question. I don’t know if Roger Godell will be around to see what he can do to change the NFL in regards to issues that are affecting the NFL, but more training, educating is needed for all the players to protect themselves and how to handle most domestic issues at home or anywhere included.