An Hour a Day can Make you the Best in the Business

sales training

Did you know that you can invest an hour a day and become the best in your entire industry in as little as a year’s time? This isn’t some work harder recipe like the old suggestion to make five more calls a day or get up an hour earlier per day – although depending on your schedule you may find that getting up an hour earlier clears you for what I am about to suggest.
Read! That’s it. It really is as simple as that.
But don’t just read anything! Spend 30 minutes a day reading about your industry, products, competition – anything and everything about your field. We live in a day and age where the average half life of a career is less than eight years; by reading 30 minutes a day on your topic, you’ll quickly become one of the most informed and insightful people around.
And what about the other 30 minutes a day? Read about sales, negotiating and other fundamental aspects of selling – topics such as persuasion or account management.

By investing thirty minutes a day on learning and developing your craft, you’ll quickly become the expert in selling. Not only that, but you will find massive motivation from this 30 minutes. Why? Because selling is exciting, that’s why!
Combine your new selling expertise with all of the knowledge you’re developing with the other 30 minutes a day you’re spending on reading about your field and you have a powerful combination that will not be denied. An hour a day and you can be on your way to becoming the best in the business.
Here’s a suggestion for those of you who may dread the thought of reading an hour a day: get better material; perhaps a higher grade industry magazine or a book that relates to your specific role. Or, invest in your mental exploration of your true life’s work. The reality is that reading premium material specific to your life or your heart’s desire should be compelling enough to warrant an hour a day. It’s like going to the health club; you’ll likely not find the time to do it. You have to make the time.
An hour a day and you can be on your way to becoming the best in the business.CLICK HERE FOR MORE sales training information!.