Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton Vs FBI

Throughout the campaign the public knew that Hillary Clinton had used her private server to conduct top government correspondence. Hillary Clinton’s case seemed to be placed on the back burner in July until two weeks ago when longtime friend and former congressman Anthony Weiner had been found guilty of sextexting a 15-year-year-old girl. Once his laptap was seized by the FBI, they found email for Hillary Clinton.

The public also knew that Donald Trump scammed many people with his Trump University. During the campaign, many women came forward and said that Trump had groped them in the past. Now, his wife, Melania, made a speech against cyber bullying. She has good intentions, but it is like an alcoholic’s wife speaking in favor of sobriety.

Trump is the first non-politician to become a presidential nominee since Dwight Eisenhower. Clinton is the first former first lady to run for elected office and be a part of a presidential cabinet. Somehow, with high unpopularity polls they are the nominees of the two major parties, Democrat and Republican.

Trump is taking every advantage he can to capitalize on voter support using Clinton’s troubles with the FBI, even though nobody knows if these emails are anything to be concerned about. Some people are concerned that this investigation is disrupting Clinton’s campaign.

How does the current election effect business? Many believe Trump is not qualified to be president and Clinton is corrupt. The CEOs of Red Robin and Tempurpedic Mattress are blaming suddenly slowed sales on the election. Profits at the restaurant have fallen by 32 percent. The top executive at Home Shopping Network claims shoppers are getting uneasy over the election. According to a recent poll taken by the National Association of Business Economics,11 percent of many businesses are waiting to the conclusion of this year’s election to hire new employees. Over half the members of the NABE think this election is hurtful to business. Grocers and clothing industries are also feeling crunch during election season.

It is possible that Trump and Clinton aren’t totally to blame for how the election effects the business world. Election time has always made businesses a little uneasy because they didn’t know what to expect from the incoming administration.